There’s nothing worse than having your site ready to go only to have your excavator break down. Chances are you have been planning to use the excavator for weeks and may have even hired specialist contractors to complete the job. Have no fear, there are several things you can do to minimize downtime in the event of breakdown.
Safety Considerations
Always be wary of hydraulic components of any machine if and when it is shut off in any position other than the specified power down position. If for example the bucket is seemingly frozen in mid-air, be aware that it will fall slowly as the day wears on.
If the excavator is parked on a slope or soft or uneven terrain, be aware that its substantial weight may cause it shift and move over time.
If you are going to attempt troubleshooting, be careful about where you put your hands, as components of the machine are likely to be extremely hot and the coolant will be pressurised. Do not open until it has cooled down sufficiently.
Simple Troubleshooting
Before you call in an expert, there are a few simple checks you can perform yourself. For a longer guide on trouble shooting your excavator, read this blog or review the operating manual of your machine.
The coolant may need replacing, but wait until the machine has cooled down before attempting this operation. Alternatively, the radiator core may be clogged with dirt or debris, so try cleaning it out with a blower.
Low Power
Check the fuel and air filters for obvious signs of poor flow. Try cleaning them to see if this fixes the problem.
Minimize Potential Downtime with Ongoing Maintenance
One of the advantages of having excavators built by strong engineering companies, such as Kubota, is that they are built to last a long time. The reality is that, like all machines, excavators require routine maintenance and servicing. Find a local service team that can let your quality earth moving equipment age with dignity.
Minimize Downtime with On Site Repairs
There is little value having your contractors standing around waiting for the excavator to start working. Call a professional repair person to come out on the double and fix your excavator on site. It might seem like an expensive choice but the alternative is even more expensive.
Contact the Excavator Specialists
AlllClass Construction Equipment are expert technicians of new and used excavators in the Brisbane area. Our mechanics can visit you on site to repair a faulty excavator so that you can get back on with your job. If you own an excavator and are seeking someone to do a routine service, we can do that too. Call us on 1300 255 252 or contact us online to find out more about our product range and services.